Annapurna Panorama Flights


Annapurna Panorama Flights

/Per Person

we take 20 minutes drive from Pokhara uphill to Sarangkot view point 2000 ft above Lakeside. This is where we take off. From here we can see three highest mountains in the world, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna and Manaslu all are over 8000 meters.

There are three types of Tandem flights:
Cloud Buster: this midday flight gives you the thrill of high flights as we thermal up above Sarangkot in the company of eagles and vultures, 20-30 minutes. We land by the lake.

Trip Name

Annapurna Panorama Flights

Trip Duration

Difficulty Level



Best Season

Trip Start From

Trip Ends At

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1

we take 20 minutes drive from Pokhara uphill to Sarangkot view point 2000 ft above Lakeside.

we take 20 minutes drive from Pokhara uphill to Sarangkot view point 2000 ft above Lakeside. This is where we take off. From here we can see three highest mountains in the world, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna and Manaslu all are over 8000 meters. There are three types of Tandem flights: Cloud Buster: this midday flight gives you the thrill of high flights as we thermal up above Sarangkot in the company of eagles and vultures, 20-30 minutes. We land by the lake.

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